February 2025

Drought in Argentina.  From Peanut Farm News 2/11/2025

THIRD HEAT WAVE HITS ARGENTINA PEANUTS - A “CRUCIAL” STAGE IN THE DEFINITION OF PEANUT YIELDS & PRODUCTION, A DEEP and GROWING CONCERN in the ARGENTINE PEANUT PRODUCTION SECTOR.  The ABSENCE OF WIDESPREAD RAINS and VERY HIGH TEMPERATURES, including THREE well-marked “HEAT WAVES” THROUGHOUT THE MAIN ARGENTINE PEANUT BELT are causing concern.  Reports confirm that WHERE the RAINS were QUITE SCARCE or NULL, there are DAMAGES THAT TODAY ARE ALREADY IRREVERSIBLE. PRODUCTIVE POTENTIALS ARE BEGINNING TO CLEARLY SHOW UNRECOVERABLE DAMAGES. The sector is closely following the development of the cultivar and the weather conditions, with expectations that this HISTORIC season in terms of PLANTED AREA also translates into good yields and quality for the industry.

2025 Oklahoma Peanut EXPO will again be held in Weatherford, OK at the Stafford Air & Space Museum on Thursday, April 3, 2025.  We once again will have Dr. Marshall Lamb with a Market Update and the Oklahoma Peanut Improvement Team research reports from Dr. Kelly Chamberlin, Dr. Rebecca Bennett, Dr. Maira Duffeck, and Maxwell Smith.  This year we have added Dr. Scott Monfort to better help producers understand their grading sheet/reports and Dr. Mark Abney who will help us understand Burrower Bugs, both Dr. Monfort and Dr. Abney are from the University of Georgia. Several sponsors have already signed up for displays and we once again expect an excellent EXPO. Registration will begin at 8:30 am and the conference will begin at 9:00 am.   

OPC Election Caucuses will be held for producers for 2 commissioner positions from Oklahoma Peanut Commission District 1 (East District).


Nominations for the Oklahoma Representative and Alternate for the National Peanut Board. ​

December 2024​

American Peanut Council Sustainability Initiative.  We are needing Oklahoma peanut growers to help with the initiative, go to the APC Sustainability Grower Toolkit (below) to learn more. The initiative provides much needed information that assists in obtaining export U.S. markets for peanuts.  Peanuts are one of the most sustainable crops and our customers are wanting information on the sustainability of peanut production.  Participating in this program provides factual data that can be used to contradict rumors and false media.  Go to the APC Grower Toolkit on how to get started.  We need more Oklahoma peanut growers to participate. 

​ APC Grower Toolkit

Master Irrigator Program.   The Master Irrigator Program from OSU Extension provides advanced training on irrigation water management, irrigation system and equipment maintenance, energy conservation, water conservation and quality, and economics of irrigated agriculture.
The program includes classroom training, peer-to-peer exchange of information between producers, field demonstrations, and free-of-charge services such as energy audits through mobile irrigation laboratories. Instructors include extension specialists, irrigation specialists, and economists from OSU and adjoining states, producers, crop consultants and NRCS personnel.
The 2025 program will be offered on Jan. 22, Jan. 29, Feb. 5 and Feb. 12 at the Caddo Kiowa Technology Center in Fort Cobb. The venue address is 1415 7th Street, Fort Cobb, OK 73038.


Winter 2024-2025

David's Blog

Please email me with any comments:

David Nowlin

Executive Director

​Oklahoma Peanut Commission


Past Blog Postings


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